Monday, 29 April 2013

More art - an Istanbul Album and a drawing on goatskin

On my way to meet Ekmel of AmberPlatform a few weeks ago, I stopped in a small shop selling second-hand books, curios, old B&W photographs, and came across an empty photo album. Like the one I did in Budapest, I decided to fill this with works on paper.  The red cord secures the 21 double-sided leaves between the covers:
Pigment, water colour and albumen on Japanese rice paper scroll:
Ecoline rubbed butcher paper and a portion of a huge flake of Hammerite I found on the Camondo Steps:
Pigment rubbed butcher paper and a fragment of an old newspaper found in the street:
I plan on including a piece of the goatskin used for the drumhead once I have flattened it properly. The first one I used which ended up being too small became a delicate surface for drawing and has a fantasy map-like quality:
I love the translucent character of the skin (must find out if it really is goat - too thin to be camel, something used quite regularly here). You can just see the curve where the skin was stretched over the top edge of the PVC pipe. This will look great hanging on a wall with its frilly edges facing you:
For some reason Istanbul seems to me to be all warm tones of terracotta's, ocher's and sienna's. Despite the huge sky (when it is clear and blue) and the water, I do not as of yet have a sense of the sea.

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