Thursday, 1 August 2013

 A beautiful day (forgot to take a shot from my window)
Lucy and I get to work to finish the install  - all the hard bits of the ceiling.
Joe, son of new neighbours Janice and Ben, appears, all 5'11" of him to help as well.
With his superior arm reach on the ladder leaving me gratefully on the sidelines, I get to work on the Tide drawings. The tray of sea water and gouache I dip the paper into, layering washes, with drying time in between dips.
Magnets hold the paper to the cast iron stair.
A strong easterly so no flapping at all. Clear sun accelerates drying as well.

I created this image and Caroline printed out copies to post all over town
This is the middle room of the tower where Laurens Van der Post spent many years writing.
I've installed a photo still from Woody Allen's film Zelig, solely because it shows the elaborate multi-user stethoscope used in training medical students - a group 'hear'. I know there is an engraved illustration somewhere but could not recall where.
 Next to this is a vintage stethoscope, again, an eBay find.
Finally, after staying up until 1am last night securing monofilament to the watch crystals, tonight I affixed one end of the monofilament to a small magnet and left it resting it on the concave surface of the watch crystal (magnets can jump at minimum 2") to cure overnight.  This is the last installation to do tomorrow, tying the other end of the monofilament to a looped wire I hope to press into the window frame. A strip of self-adhesive white-painted steel tape will secure the magnet end so the crystals shouldn't rotate on the monofilament. the piece is poetically titled 'Full moon the colour of the sea, new moon the colour of the sky' or something along these lines.
 The final result of the paper hanging exercise is rather amazing.
Though camouflaged, the fireplace still makes a ghostly presence.
10.00 Friday sees me at the framers to mount some drawings for hanging in the house (and perhaps to sell?); Lucy and I tackle the installing the Moon work; Eileen arrives mid-morning to take more footage for a video documenting this effort; Sam and Jane leave after a dry-run of the stethoscope out to the sea action, and friends  start arriving for the opening at 18.00 and dinner at 19.30  that Caroline is producing for 30 people! What a whirlwind of activity in 4 days!

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